28 July 2017

Do you have a business Idea? Let me show you how to make money with it

Do you have a business Idea? Let me show you how to make money with it.
So many people complain of lack of employments, yes, it’s true especially in Nigeria. A lot of students who graduate from the universities and polytechnics come home after their youth service and become baba and mama of the house without knowing how to make money.
A graduate was not supposed to spend years in school, walking in the rain, the sun, just to end up sitting in the house. Let me delve a little, permit me, please. Most people have this mentality of “Let me get admission into a Higher institution so that I will have a good job when I graduate.” They forget to ask their selves this particular question “What if I don’t get a good job after graduation?” You know in those days, our parents used to say; “go to school so that you will be somebody in future yes, they were not mistaken when they said so, but it has two different interpretations. 1. So that you get a good job and make money. 2. So that you can have creative ideas and also widen your horizon which will help u make money.
Do you believe that good business owners make more money than civil servants or those that work for people? I guess you know that.
Now as someone who has gone to school, even though you have not attended the University, in today’s world, people are really smart, and God had blessed man with creativity which he can use in making any amount of money he needs.
 Before I let you know how to make money with your creative ideas, let me share this little story.
A few years ago, two friends went out for a party, they spent time not knowing that it was already late and they were to go back to a far distant place, but there was no cab to take them home. One of the guys said to the other; “How I wish there is an online transportation, where you can order for driving services and the driver will come and pick you at any time of the day to your destination.” The other friend then replied; “wow, that is a wonderful idea. How can we get that done?” the guy said he can get it done but he would be needing funds to start up. He brought the Idea and the other friend brought the capital. They began the business and now, that business is worth Billions of dollars.
Do you have a good business idea that can make you money but you don’t have money to invest? Let me shock you.
There are so many rich people out there searching for where to invest their money. Some are looking for startup businesses to invest in. I know you will start saying; “how do I meet these investors?” yes all you have to do is this:
Put everything into black and white
Strategize your marketing plans
Note this; the investors will not invest in a business that does not have bright future.

In my next post, I will be talking about how to find investors.

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