8 March 2016

The tongue

Image result for pics on tongue 
The tongue is that soft and movable part in the mouth of a human being which is used for speaking and also used for tasting and eating food. According to the definition, we understand that the tongue is a very vital tool in our lives, without it we cannot survive or live a comfortable life.

The tongue is a tool that can make or mar. Don’t forget we all are small gods, we have the power to do and undo.

What are you using your tongue for? Are you using it the right way or you are using it to destroy? A lot of people are under a curse placed by themselves. Permit me to share this story with you;

Years ago, there was a young Nigerian, who lived his life the way it pleased him. One day he went out with his friends to drink and have fun, as they were enjoying themselves, one of them said they should play a game. The game was; who will be able to finish six bottles of chilled beer in two minutes. Normally, it is not easy to finish six bottles of chilled beer in just two minutes, but this young guy stood up and said “I will finish six bottles in two minutes” so his friends debunked him and said, “you cannot”. This is what came out of his mouth; “I swear, if I don’t finish six bottles of beer in two minutes, let me not have  children in my life, if I have, let them all die”. Imagine what a human being would say! I am talking about “THE TONGUE”. So the friends were shocked to hear such statement, but they overlooked and continued on what they were doing. The young man began to drink the beer, but unfortunately, he couldn’t even finish four bottles in three minutes, let alone finishing six bottles in two minutes. His friends began to laugh at him, they all thought it was finished. So they stood up and left for their different homes, not knowing that what that young man said was documented for him immediately. Few years later, he got married and had five beautiful children. Remember he said if he cannot finish the drink in the said time, he shouldn’t have children, even if he has, they should all die. Now the devil knows how to do his things, he allowed this man to spend money, train all his children to university level after which he (the devil) killed them one after the other. The man lost all his five children because of what? The Tongue. The day his last child died, he remembered what happened at the drinking joint with his friends, but it was too late for him because he had already lost his children.
Can you see what The Tongue can do? Let me share another story with you.

In a certain land, there was a king, who was richly blessed and favored by God. He had two children, a boy and a girl. The king enjoyed his reign with his queen and two lovely kids. As time turned the page, the children grew and the king and queen were getting old, the king decided to send the prince to study oversees. On the day of the prince’s departure, the princess, the king’s younger child was sad that her brother, the prince will leave her to be lonely in the palace. So her brother, the prince felt her pains, and decided to comfort her and told her he is only going to study, that he will be back in four years. So the prince took his sister, the princess to the throne and said, “I give you the throne, after the reign of our father, you will rule our land”. He was joking, he only did that to make his sister happy, not knowing that it was documented for him. So he left for his studies, and the palace was still in peace. Four years passed, six years passed, eight years passed, ten years passed but the king has not yet heard from his son, the prince. The king became weak and he began to hear the drums of his ancestors.  He had to hand over his throne to his heir, but the prince was nowhere to be found. One day the king called his daughter, the princess and handed over his throne to her few days later, the king died. The princess became the ruler of the kingdom. Remember, the prince took her to the throne and made a statement, behold that statement came to reality. The Tongue.

THE TONGUE is a very vital tool, the Angel and the devil are always there to take record of what comes out of your mouth, it is now left for you to decide. A lot of People suffer for their mistakes, they may have said something in the past, unknowing to them that it will come to pass. For example, most people like saying “God punish me if I don’t beat that guy, may it not be well with me if I don’t sleep with that girl, if I don’t retaliate him let me be involved in a motor accident”. Imagine what people say to themselves, but at the end of the day, they are not able to do what they swore to do, then the devil will document it for you. This is the reason our people perish anyhow just because of lack of knowledge.

These things may cause you to use your tongue wrongly:


Please try and avoid the above mentioned.  Make good use of your tongue by speaking good to yourself and to your neighbors, ask God to guide you daily, live safe.
 Avoid getting angry, it makes you say what you never planned of saying, for example, you get involved in a fight with your brother or sister, mayhap he or she beats you and you cannot beat him or her back, then you start cursing them, it is wrong, do not use your tongue negatively against your siblings, because if anything happens to them it will affect you also.
Avoid getting drunk because you may say what you will end up regretting and also people say a lot of useless things when they are frustrated, so you have to avoid them no matter the situation. Let’s make the world a better place for ourselves, speak good and positive words always. 

Remain blessed
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