1 March 2016

Formula to greatness-(pᶟ+q+r+s=t)

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The journey of life is not an easy one, trials and tribulations are everywhere to make sure they pull you down. To be great in life you must pass through difficulties, but fear not, God is always with you.
This formula pᶟ+q+r+s=t , shows what and how people suffer before they become great in life. I am going to use Joseph in the bible to derive this formula. I believe we all are familiar with the story of Joseph and his brothers in the bible. So I want to use him as a case study.

 Joseph was the son of Jacob, who dreams a lot. He once had a dream and decided to tell his brothers about his dream, not knowing that his brothers will be angry and plan evil against him. Now the formula comes to play, pᶟ+q+r+s=t   
The brothers of Joseph made plans to kill him, but one of them said “no” they should not kill him, instead they should put him in the pit, which is where p¹ comes to play in the formula.

Pit = p¹

There is a quote that says “The devil thought of destroying me, so he buried me in the ground, not knowing I am a seed”. Let me make you to understand one thing, you are God’s seed, the devil has seen that your future is bright, so he tries to put an obstacle, by putting you in the pit, do not worry, because you are a seed. what happens to a seed which is been put in the ground? Does it not germinate? It does, so let your enemies put you in the pit, never mind because they are doing you a great favor so that you may grow spiritually into something great.
Let me delve a little, remember the story of DANIEL, when they caught him praying, he was been cast into the den of lion. Now where was the den of the lions according to the bible? It was a Pit. When Daniel was in the pit, the lions did nothing to him, instead they became friends with him. From that lion’s den, Daniel became a great man.
Back to Joseph, his brothers never knew they were even doing him good by putting him in the pit, because as he was in the pit, he was a seed, and God was watering the seed for the seed to grow.
As Joseph was in that pit, God watered him and he started germinating, so it was due for him to leave that level to another level. As a seed, u will not remain in one level, u will be leaving the first level to another till u reach the final level. Now one of Joseph’s brothers said “ what profit is it if we slay our brother? Come let us sell him to the ishmeelite”. These were Midianites  merchantmen, they deal with expensive things. Because you are a seed of God, your enemies can never hand you over to common people but God will always confuse them to hand you over to people that matters. So these men sold Joseph to Pharaoh’s officer and captain of the guard, which was Potiphar, which leads us to p².

Potiphar= p²

If you go through the holy Bible in the book of Genesis 39: read from verse 2-6, you will see that things were going on fine in the house of Potiphar just because of Joseph. From the pit to the house of Potiphar, where he was confortable, and richly blessed by God. The lord will cause your enemy to sell you out thinking he is harming you not knowing he is doing you a favor and from there, the Lord will bless you and through you, that land will be blessed. Have  you been troubled at your work place, your school, your market place? The Lord will cause your enemy to do something that  will favor you unknowing to them. Are you working where your boss is a problem to you? God will cause him to sack you in other for you to get a better job that will benefit you more than the previous one and he will use you to bless that land.
If you read that same Genesis down, you will see what happened between Joseph and his master’s wife, that led him to a particular place, which brings in pᶟ.

Prison= pᶟ

Joseph was put in prison, and he was put where the king’s prisoners were bound. As a seed of God, he was not put where criminals were, but where royalties were. Because you are of God, anywhere you are been placed in life, you must shine for people to notice you. If you keep reading that same portion of the bible, you will see that Joseph was made the presido over all the prisoners, do not forget, where ever they place you, God will find a way for you to excel and shine.
Now God made the King to dream, and that dream got him worried that he needed answers to those dreams immediately. So the king called on all the magicians for them to interpret the dream, but non of them  were able to interpret. So the king heard of Joseph and called him. Behold Joseph interpreted all his dreams and gave solutions. From there he qualified, that is where Q comes in from the formula.


When you are the seed of God, and the devil throws you into a pit, do not worry, do not lament, because the Lord is going to water you for you to grow into greatness. That pit the devil puts you is your training ground, it is where God will show you things and prepare you for greatness.
Look at the late Nelson Mandela, who was thrown into prison, after coming out of prison, he became great, may his soul rest in perfect peace, AMEN. Do not be afraid, anything may be prison to you, but be steadfast in the Lord because he will qualify you and raise you up. That is where R comes in from the formula.


When Joseph was qualified, he was raised. When God qualifies you, he will raise you and sit you. 
 Now this is where S comes in from the formula.


Joseph was raised and was given a sit, not just a mere sit, but the throne. Now T comes in from the formula.


The bible says; “Thou shalt be over my house and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled”. That was Pharaoh’s statement. See, when God is through with you, Kings and Queens will come begging for your attention. God will cause the rich and mighty to look for you, because you are a seed. when God raise you, he will sit you on the throne where your enemy will not even near you anymore. I want you to know that the devil is a liar, he thinks he can win you, but anyway he wants to deal with you, you will be amazed that God will turn it over for your favor.

T= THRONE               

You may find yourself in any on the Ps be it pit or prison, be strong, look up to God, understand you are a seed, which will never perish and he will lead you to your throne which is greatness. Don’t forget to be great is not easy, but stand firm till the end.
After reading, Sing this song and personalize it;

 I know that I can make it, I know that I can stand, no matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands  
God bless and guide you.

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