Smoking as a major habit to the youths has made a young Nigerian, in the person of Edidiong George, to voice her opinion on this matter. lets read her opinions below;
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"I am vexed and obliged to write this due to what I saw yesterday.
A young looking classic guy with so much poise was chatting with friends about the ongoing Olympics. I was just admiring him because of his composure but I felt disappointed when he took out a pack of cigarettes,asked for a matchstick and started smoking. I was so vexed inside of me. I was like see this fine dude spoiling his looks cos of cigarette.
The rate at which the youth of this generation smokes is alarming and it is not applauding at all. Before, it was just the guys but now girls are so getting into it and when I see this am like, 'Oh my God!!!' Smoking is so rampant this days like the change in foodstuff prices. Some smoke to feel among, others smoke due to peer group influence, others smoke to be a so called big boy or girl and the most annoying, is smoking to please whom you are dating.
Others see it as fun. My dear,there are safer ways to have fun. In fact,you are just being a fool if fun is an excuse for smoking.
There is no medical advantage of smoking(argue with yourself). Instead it causes heart or kidney failures or damaged brains. When this happens,don't blame any village people. They don't know this one in fact its entirely Your fault due to what you are inhaling into your blood stream through whatever you are smoking.
It is hazardous to the health at least i'm a witness to what it has done to few people. It does not ease any tension, it is just playing tricks with your head. Your pink lips will turn black, your teeth will become brown and your skin will be drying up. It may not be at that moment, but as u continue,u will see the changes.
Am not saying I hate smokers,i'm insinuating that smoking is bad and I detest it. If you are close to me and I mistakenly find out you smoke, forget it, because you have lost the respect I have for you and you will know that you are no longer important to me. Girls, please, any guy that wants you to please him with smoking, that's not love. He is killing u slowly and remember that a girl's system is more fragile. Please and please, if possible, smoking should be eradicated. I care too much to loose anyone due to smoking.
Thanks for reading and let he who has ears,let him hear!!"
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She has spoken well, i do not know if anybody has anything to say in addendum to that. Just feel free to drop you comments and contributions, thanks for reading.
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