27 October 2016

Bill Gates Says His Children Will Not Inherit His Fortune.

Bill Gates
 Bill Gates, The world’s richest man has admitted he will not be leaving his $81 billion fortune to his three children, instead, he has decided to give it out to charity when he dies. 

Appearing on ITV’s This Morning, Bill Gates, the Microsoft creator, says his kids understand his decision.

The 60-year-old Bill Gates said:

“Well, our kids receive a great education and some money but they will go out and have their own careers."It's not a favour to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. Because it distorts anything they might do, creating their own path.”This money is dedicated to helping the poor and they know that ,they are proud of that .They travel with us and see work being done.."
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Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, 52, have three children together, Jennifer, 20, Rory, 17, and Phoebe, 14. You can see them in the picture above.

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