23 February 2016

Are You Ready For Love?

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According to macmillian  English Dictionary, Love is defined as a strong feelings you have for someone. In terms of Love, we use so many collocations like; Dearly, Deeply, Passionately, Really and Truly.
But let’s hit the nail on the head by talking on the topic we have “ARE YOU READY FOR LOVE?”
Some  people don’t know what love is really all about, they just want to be in love. In case you asked, what will you say? Young fellows of this age wants to more, in case the young once that wants to know more, comes to you and, what will you say to them?
Now let’s look at LOVE AFFAIR
Love Affair is a romantic or sexual relationship especially between two people who are not married to each other. A romantic attachment or episode between lovers.
Are you really ready for love, or you are looking for someone else for now? Are you ready to meet someone and embark on a deeper relationship?
Here are some questions that will help you think whether you are ready to put your self out there. 
1.      You meet someone through a friend of yours, he ask you on a date and you accept:  
You wear your sexiest dress you have got.
Something subtle.
Something that flatters your figure.
2.      Both of you are out for a dinner, and suddenly you have fallen for your date:
 But you try to hide it.
After dinner, on your way going out from the restaurant, you kiss.
 The feelings grow amongst both of you,
 you say you would love to see each other again.
3.      After spending such amazing night together, your date say they will call you, but they don’t. how will you feel?
Will you feel like a fool for believing them in the first place?
You  will probably call them perhaps they are just shy.
 You want to tell them exactly what you think of them. You cannot trust anyone.
4.      How do you explain the fact that you are single?
Everything takes time.
You love being on your own.
The idea of you getting into a relationship frightens you.
You just have not met the right person
5.      A friend accuses you of not making effort to meet a new man/woman:
You thank them for their concern, but it’s your life and you decide how to live it.
Show them that your diary is full of dates
Remind your friend that you don’t want to meet anyone anywhere
Think of a retort that will change the subject of discussion
6.      How do you think you will feel if you meet your soul mate?
7.      What makes you anxious about getting into a relationship?
You might not be good  enough.
It might not last.
You wonder how you will fit in with each other.
You might get hurt.
8.      What question would you like to ask a therapist?
Is it really necessary to be part of a couple?
Why are relationships  never simple?
Why do I find it so hard to be on my own?
Why do I find it so difficult to act on what I want?
9.      What would you do if someone breaks up with you?
Get on with your life as quick as possible.
Feel like you hate everyone and everything .
Find someone new to go out with as soon as possible.
Feel the ground crumble under your feet.
10. Generally how do you feel when you are single?
Quite happy and secure.
Really, really depressed.
You have gotten a chance to explore what you want from life.
Glad that you are not contributing to the divorced rate.

Now sit and have a rethink of  all these tactical questions, can you answer them?
If you can, be very careful, do not rush into love. I am not saying you should not love, but think about your previous love life, how was it like? Before going into love, think about your future. If you are a girl, ask your self these:
What will I gain in these relationship?
Is this guy mine?
Will he marry me?
How will it end?
Don’t just jump into a relationship.
If you are guy, don’t be in love and also in  lust,ask your self these:
What will I gain from these girl?
Is she mine or I’m I just wasting my time with her?
Will I marry her?
After asking your self all these question take it God in prayers, and he will direct you.  
When you are done with the above questions, mind you read the questions and those optional answers intensively and extensively to your own understanding, because it is tactical. Then make sure you answer all the questions your self and ask your self if you are truly ready for Love.

Feel free to comment and to contribute, your comments may go a long way to help someone out there looking for advices on Love.
God bless you all.

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