26 February 2016

what makes you a wife material as a woman?

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Marriage is one of the best things that can happen in a woman’s life. Most women feel bad or ashamed seeing their fellow women getting married but they are not, be it their classmates, childhood friends, church member or even colleagues at work. They may say, “I’m I not beautiful enough for a man to approach me?” You are, but there are few things to be done.
Let’s see those things that will surely make you a wife material for a good man.


God is a merciful father, he is a living father, he does not allow his children to cry and weep over a particular problem for too long. No good, responsible and God fearing man will love to marry a woman that is not a committed Christian. A man believes when he is out there hustling, he has a wife back there that is interceding for him and the family. A man wants to marry a woman that will always remind him of praying before they go to bed and same thing at dawn before they jump out of the bed.
If you will accept with me, most men feel dillydally and shillyshally in attending church programs, so now it is a woman’s duty as a help mate to advice and talk your man in being serious in church programs, and mind you, manner of approach must be welcoming to make the man move. That is the kind of woman men are looking for as a wife. A man will love to marry a woman that will be representing the family in fasting and prayers in church especially when the man has an important business to attend to. Remember women first saw Jesus at the tomb, so they are so emotional in prayers.
No man will want to walk into fire. As a woman that wants to get married, you need to be closer to God always because God will always use you as a help mate in the man’s life and the pillar to hold the home strong and firm. 


Oh my!  my! I love music, men love music. Most men find it very romantic hearing their wives sing at home. When you sing for God in the choir it means a lot, God cannot forget that, no one works for God and go empty handed, he must reward you with your immediate needs. In some churches, women lead in praise and worship and even offering session,  when they are out there singing with their beautiful voices that God gave to them, check out the way bachelors will be looking at them, if u will notice, the percentage of admiration for the lady maybe even up to 199%, imagine. Well, after the service, a man may walk up to the lady and begin a conversation you never can tell what will happen next.
Also, when singing in church, sing with passion and with style, you never know who is watching you, remember, anyone who works for God in his house cannot go home empty handed. Keep on singing to God, and he will send your Mr right to you.


In yesterday’s world, people got married like that without being in a relationship. Things have really changed now, in today’s world, people desire to know their partners very well. It is very important to be in a relationship, because this relationship will determine whether or not you will get married to your partner. Men are very wise, they observe everything you do, during the relationship, lots of temptations will occur in other to separate both of you. You will need to know his needs and wants as an intending wife, you start learning on how you will be when both of you are married. During this relationship period, let him know you can cook very well. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Do not forget that.


With prayers we can move mountains in the name of the Lord , we can move mountains. You must always talk to God about your man. Most women receive revelation about their men, and truly it comes to pass. During your relationship you must pray, do not fan yourself and say  “ oh yes! I have finally gotten a man, I am now in a relationship and soon we will get married”. No doubt you may get married, but have you forgotten that the Bible say we should be aware of the devices of the devil, your friend may be jealous of you, seeing you in a serious relationship that is leading to marriage. They may want to destroy your relationship and take your place. Always pray about your relationship, for God to strengthen your relationship and metamorphose it to marriage. Pray about it always, remember prayer is the key, prayer is the start and finishing, prayer is the master’s key, it can open and also lock. It will open a way for you to succeed in your relationship.


To show and to have true and constant support and loyalty is needed a lot in a relationship to keep it moving. Being faithful may be hard, but if you are, your man will be crazy for you and he will be glad to work you down the aisle. What will you gain being an unfaithful woman? You want a man to put a ring on your finger, but you are busy jumping from one man to another, no man will marry you, if you are not faithful in your relationship. Remember, as you lay your bed, so you will lay on it. Be faithful in your relationship, and God will be faithful to you.


We all know who a manager is, someone who is in charge. As a wife material, you must learn in other to know how to be in charge, how to manage crisis in the family, how to manage the kitchen, how to manage your man’s stomach and how to manage resources.


A man is always happy when he sees his woman get along with his family members very well. You must love his people, no matter the behavior of his people just love them. If you don’t love his people and the man’s parents happen to know about the disdain, they may not approve their son to marry you, so you must love your man’s people and take them like your very own. By doing so, they will love you also and accept you into the family.


No man will want to marry a woman that does not love him. When there is love, there is respect. What makes men crazy is seeing their women respect them and knowing that their women love them. Love and respect your man because if you don’t he may not love to marry you. The man is the head of the family as God is the overall head. Now women put your selves into the men’s shoes, you have a lady you want to get married to, but she does not respect you, she talks to you any how, when you make a sentence, she will make a million sentences, tell me how would you feel? That is why some women stay single. The main thing is to love, because you love him, you will respect him, because love teaches, love respects, love calms, God is love.
With these few points, I believe you will pick something that will help you. Let’s keep the fire burning.
We are always here for your comments.                 

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