24 February 2016

Portentous fact about relationships

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Whatever it is you are look for, the love tips here will help you with your dating and relationship problems and to help solve your relationship problems that you had.

Dating and marriage is different from the way it was twenty years ago. In today’s society, more than 50% of marriages fail for one reason or another. Just thinking about that makes  “commitment” seem scary. It seems that when relationships are faced with challenges, people quit trying. Dating  is more like a marathon, trying to date as many people to get to know someone at a deeper level. For married couples, divorce is not biased. Whether married for thirty years or eight months, the outcome can be the same.

The fact is that relationships whether dating or marriage, is hard. Things do not always go well as expected, fighting may occur, so it will take a 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success. Often when people pathways  in their relationships, they feel like something is missing. The “spark” is no more, leaving one or both people living inadequately and unfulfilled.

Relationship and Dating success

However, even though the odds are not favorable, healthy and long lasting relationships are definitely possible and proven by many people. Looking at Paul Newman, what secret does he possess? The answer is that he worked hard in his relationship. He made a decision of choosing of choosing to love their mate rather than relying on the “warm and fuzzy” feelings, which everyone knows will fade. By making love a choice you are making a decision that even in bad times you still stick and stay strong.

Think of it like choosing a car, you pick out the made, model, year, color and everything  you believe  are the best for you. After driving your car for a couple of months, you realize perhaps you should have purchased a larger car, or maybe the leather sits would have been more better and stronger, or on a hot sunny and bright day, the sunroof would’ve been opened. However, it is now too late so you choose to keep your car and make it work. It is the same with marriage, it is not all the time that things will be perfect, there will be trials, obstacles, temptations, but you have to make a decision by making it work perfectly well.

There are hundreds of things you can do to better your relationship, to help get you headed in the right direction, those few points will help build, strengthen, and enhance your relationship.

Remember, little steps taken will add up to big success. Don’t  forget, romance in a relationship is the cord that makes the heart beat stronger and stronger. Without romance in a relationship, love can be weakened and even disappear. Apply swag in your relationship. Make your partner feel you always, especially when you are not around, they will miss you a lot. But when there is no romance, that means the relationship is like cooking soup without putting condiments, it will not be interesting and fun.

Please make your relationship fun and you will enjoy it. Remain blessed.      

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