27 February 2016


Image result for pics of God's love 
 I sit and ponder, once in a while on issues concerning the Christian journey and how our lives are engulfed around it.

We make mistakes daily, derail from the right, behave somehow and mayhap, at some point, we fall into the lines we never imagined.
Hmmm……. What happens when we find ourselves in these loopholes? When we mess it all up, how do we get back on our feet?

 I keep asking myself why does God allow us pass through all these huddles and later shine his light on us? Yes! Finally I received the answer and my humble submission is anchored on the unconditional love of God. It is beyond human percipience.

God’s love is unchanging; A man’s love can change at any time, but God’s love cannot change, because he is God. His love is everlasting. It is unending, his love knows no end, it flows till infinity. It is eternal believe.

God’s love overshadows evil; it is unconditional, it is limitless believe.

God’s love rescues; it is strong, it cannot be broken, it is unattackable believe.

God’s love conquers; it is persistent, it is immanent believe.

God’s love is unshakeable; it is unfaltering, it is unwavering believe.

God’s love endures; it is tolerant, it is inuring believe.

What can you say about God’s love? Can his love be compared to anything in the world? Which king would leave his throne to die for his subjects?  Can a mother’s love for her child be compared to God’s love? That is why he is not “man”.
I want you to key in to God’s love and your whole life will not be the same.

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